
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Camping Adventures: A Little Granola Part 1

It's around 7 am and aside from the soothing sound of the rushing creek behind,  the camp at Vogel State Park is relatively still. Quietly I pull on long pants and a sweatshirt for my morning trek. No. Not up the mountain side, but my trek to the bathhouse.  Using our bathroom would mean disturbing the quiet coming from the bunk room. No need for that! Before exiting the camper, I start the percolator so coffee will await my return.  Carefully I unlock and gently open the door to ensure that I don't wake those sleeping children. Hubby is ok. But not the children.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Disney Commercial Adventure: Part 2

Warning: Long post! Feel free to skip to pictures if you don't want to be bored by my ramblings. :) If you missed Part 1, click here.


6:15 a.m. Fifteen minutes before our ride would come and take us to set.

"Come on boys! Get moving. We don't want to be late getting downstairs. "

In nervous anticipation I slipped on my shoes and pulled my hair up into a sloppy ponytail.  No need to worry about styling it. They would take care of that.  I wanted to pinch myself to see if this was really happening!

We arrive on site and one quick scan brings everything into view...a couple of trailers, a few tents, tables and chairs, moving trucks and a RV.  All ages of people were lining up to be assigned as "Extras" for the day's shoot. It's 7:00 in the morning and already the place is humming with activity since many of the production folks arrived around 5:00 a.m.
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