
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Beanies & Snow

We interrupt this blog post series on scarves, to bring you beanies and snow people!  I think this is the first time that schools closed before the snow came, but I could be wrong.  My Facebook newsfeed is full of short video clips and pictures of children and adults alike, outside trying to get a taste of that Georgia snow, literally.  I've decided to join their winter fun with this impromptu post. After all, it's Georgia, so in five minutes the snow may be gone.

What's so special about beanies, Chrissy? Well, since the first time I met my husband, he has loved beanies. He would wear them in the winter of course, but his affinity for the sock hat did not stop there. No! Why not enjoy the cold weather accessory in the middle of a hot, humid summer day? In fact, you would rarely see Glen without his beanie. We could be sitting on the beach, but that would not deter him (nor did the EXTRA perspiration) from sporting his unique style, while sipping on a cup of hot coffee - his other favorite.

And though he has out grown his daily style habit, he still sports the beanie in cold weather. So today I dedicate this post to my hubby.

Here's to you Glen!

There you have it my friends. Eddie Bauer sweatshirt, Talbots vest, Target boots and Carhart Beanie are all from days of old. Only my WHBM skinnies are newly added to the wardrobe this year. And what a welcome addition they have been, bringing new possibilities to dressing up or down!

Would you wear a beanie? And around your yard doesn't count!

With that, I am off to get soup started. Tonight's soup? I'm taking left over pot roast and adding veggies to go for a veggie beef stew. EASY PEASY.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Scarf No. 2: Peaches & Fringe

Good day! In this post I feel like maximizing my topic coverage by featuring my second scarf, introducing you to my family and sharing one of my favorite dresses. So let's get started.

Scarf #2: Peaches & Fringe...the most worn this season! other lighting it's much more grey.

This accessory was one of those pleasant surprises in versatility, thereby becoming one of my most worn scarves this season. It was a gift that I loved at first sight, but I had no idea how many outfits I would bring together with this addition. "Peaches & Fringe" (I know. I'm blowing your mind with my creativity.) even made it into our family photos taken by the lovely Morgan Mechling Photography. By the way, I now have a few more scarves from this friend who also makes her own jewelry. You can see some of her pieces at Curry And Curry Innovations on Facebook.

My Family...

From left to right you have Collin our 11 year old, Caden one of our five year olds, my husband, Glen, Evan our other 5 year old and Ethan our 13 year.

Scarf from Curry and Curry Innovations
That's us. Really. Oh, and the scarf too! ;)

The Dress...

Does it look like he is straining to hold me up??
Once upon a time, I was perusing clearance racks in a lazy, distracted manner at a lovely store known as the Altar'd State. Slide, slide went hanger after hanger. Just as I began to step away my eyes beheld this masterpiece. Shock turned to wonder, as I realized that it was not only the right size, but  also the right price.  You see, this was not my first time wandering the racks in this store. Nor, was it the first time I laid eyes on this dress - Meant to Be! Originally priced $108, a red sticker now boldly proclaimed - $22!

Even my knight in shining armor could not contain his excitement (as you can see in the photos above)!! I leaped into his waiting arms and we spun around and around. Then he pulled out his leather whip and...WHAT?!? No further comment...
Ok, whatever. I know, you don't have time to read this drivel... but allow me to mention my excitement  about the bows on the back of this dress, as well as the lacy detail all throughout. Spring cannot come fast enough. :)

That is all for today my friends. Do you have an accessory that has surprised you in its versatility?

P.S. Today I'm linking up with and the Pleated Poppy.



Thursday, February 12, 2015

Scarves, Scarves, Scarves

Hello my friends. How is the weather by you? The rain in spain stays mainly on the plain - 
"My Fair Lady".  If you were to venture to my quaint home in Georgia and then happen by my closet you would notice an accumulation of scarves. How did this happen? Who ate my whole pie?-"Never Been Kissed"

Two of my newest additions were gifts, but when one has a friend that sells scarves, one is left with no other recourse then to help one's friend move inventory.  And so, I contribute to society by building a plethora of various scarves (for the end of the world as we know it! What if we have no heat?? Hmmm, what then? I shall share my scarves.)

So, without further ado I bring you...

 Scarf #1: Cozy Love

This scarf, from Francesca's boutique, was one of my Christmas gifts. Cozy love did not lie in her package alone. For with her came print leggings (featured in the outfit below), the creme top pictured above and the stacking bracelets. I've worn them all together, but on this particular day I paired the scarf with skinny jeans, shiny brown flats, a necklace from Lia Sophia and stacking bracelets from an adorable store known as Alter'd State.

In the second outfit, I used the same color schemes on top with a lace vest, draped over an old, over-sized sweater from a Chico's warehouse sale. This crochet vest paired with the leggings brought out some of the season's fun trends. I kept the same bracelets and then threw in some old cowgirl-style boots? Again, done!

Is your closet full of scarves or am I alone in this?

More scarves to come and as always thank you for viewing!

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