
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Black & White Ensemble, Travel Outfit & Premier Adventures

Hello! And let's hear it for more adventures today.  I've recently returned from our Premier Designs Convetion in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas. It was two (full) and a half days of learning, inspiring and encouraging. I've been with Premier just over a year and this was my first convention.  I won't gush on about how much I loved it or overload you with all the details. Instead I'll share my aha moment from observing the women I met or heard speak.

It was one of our last sessions...My brain was almost complete mush, with my mind beginning to wander more frequently. I'd pan my eyes around the convention center from time to time, foot propped up on the empty chair in front of me and chin resting on my knee.

That's when this thought begin to form in my mind...

Success does not discriminate.

Nope. Not even a little.

Young or old. Big or Small. Single Gal, Single Mom, Married with kids. Stay home mom or Gal with full time job and work on the side. Disabled or not.

I noticed that those who were achieving their goals had a few things in common...

  • They work hard.
  • They trust the beautiful heart of the company.
  • They are consistent no matter the circumstances.
  • They care about people more than their next sale (hallelujah - direct sales can be obnoxious).
  • They don't quit because they believe in what they are doing and what they have to offer others.
  • They remain (and continue to remain) true to who they are; not comparing themselves with how others make it work.

So what am I going to do with this dawning of a new thought process for my hot mess of a self? Well, I'm not quite sure yet. What I can tell you is that I'm going to start on my negative thought patterns that are unhealthy and untrue.  Everyone. Everyone has something to offer those around us and sometimes throughout the world!

Some have suffered greatly and have over come more than I could ever imagine...Below is a picture of our group with Joni Eareckson Tada, a beautiful woman who became paralyzed after a diving accident in 1967. She is known for being a mouth artist (say what?!),  for starting the Joni and Friends ministry that reaches out to the disabled, and much more! We bumped into her after dinner in town and her sweet husband took this photo for us!

One more!!! This beautiful couple shared their story one evening...while her 6 month old baby was sleeping in the next room, she suffered a brain stem stroke at the age of 26, followed by a 2 month coma, which resulted in 2 years of brain rehab!  Tears streamed down my face as I listened to their story of hope and healing in the midst of tragedy. They've written a book called "Hope Heals" and speak at various venues. If you're interested in hearing more you can check out their website...HERE.

Ok, if you're still reading I'll put an end to my typings with a big thank you to Premier for exceeding their goal to inspire, encourage and challenge!

Meet my roommates and newest friends...

Making new friends was my favorite part of the weekend for sure! (Side note. This was my first time officially meeting my roommates. That can be intimidating, but they made me feel at ease immediately and welcomed me right into the fold!)

Outfit Breakdown:

Top: WHBM (old)/Hat: Khols (old)/White Denim: Entourage Clothing/Shoes: GAP (sold out)/Jewelry: Premier Designs

Alright, I close today's post with some pictures I took throughout my fun weekend.

Necklace Layering Fun

I got spoiled to a fun lunch with my Premier "Mom" and "Grandma" ;)

I've known Brooke since high school. She has been in Premier for over 12 years and I joined her team in 2016!
Our Night On the Town...

Sundance Square

My outfit was red, white and blue for our patriotic service, but I had to change my shoes, ditch the scarf and throw on a hat (the Texas heat was worse than GA heat). Sometimes it is comfort over fashion!

Travel Wear - I LOVED this Outfit - So Comfy!

Outfit Breakdown: Jumpsuit (GAP), Black Tank: TJMaxx, Shoes: Clothes Mentor, Hat: Khols, Jewelry: Premier

Who is that guy???!!! Total photo bomber!

And Finally!!!!! These are pictures of gals I cornered for a picture because I thought they were just too darn cute!!!

Have a wonderful day my reader friends! I hope you are inspired and encouraged to keep at it!!


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Pinterest Inspiration: Striped Dress & Chambray

Hello! Once again while scrolling through Pinterest I came across an outfit that I could easily replicate. Only this time it was with a dress that I rarely wear. In fact, the last time I styled this dress on the blog was here, in 2013 (Be warned, as you will get an inside look at my early blogging days - scary.)!

But don't you just love, what a little research can do for closet inventory? I have a small list of items that would really add bang to my closet. On this list is a staple among staples, a white oxford style shirt. Can you get any more basic then this??? I've attempted to purchase one on a few of my outings with no luck. Anyway, other than those few items, do I really need to keep adding more if there's plenty of life in the clothes I already own? Just something I've been thinking about.

Well, here is the pic that inspired this outfit! Thank you beautiful gal, whoever you are. ;)

It was far too hot to wear the denim top, so I tied it around my waist. Can I tell you how comfortable I was ALL day? The dress is clingy, which I don't love, but when I add something around the waist I forget about bulges, possible panty lines, etc throughout the day.  I'd say this will go down on my favorite list, to be repeated in the near future! In the fall, I could wear the denim top and add some black ankle boots. Bam! Live on LOFT dress. LIVE ON!!!

My backpack purse is a definite staple and gets a place on the good investment list. In fact, it will be my bag of choice for travel to Texas for my first Premier Designs Rally (should be interesting!).  I purchased it back in the fall at one of Clark's clearance sales. The shoes were $5 at Nordstrom Rack. I mean. Skip on the coffee and buy the shoes, right? ;)

That just leaves my accessories. I chose the silver with wood because of the dark wash of the denim top and I couldn't resist adding the adorable floral ring to the mix. 

Oh! I wanted to share my latest deal I found at GAP. Are these too similar to the above black sandals? They were on sale for $15.00. Thoughts??

Quick Outfit Breakdown
Dress: LOFT (latest option)/Denim Top: LOFT (GAP option)/Shoes: Nordstrom Rack (old)/Backpack Purse: Clarks (Current Option)/Necklace, Earrings & Ring: Premier Designs (Online Catalog)

****Cupcake Adventures!!****

It's been awhile since I've posted some pictures from my adventures in cupcakes, and I didn't want you to think I'm letting my FREE cupcake a day go to waste! 

Our women's ministry gave away 31 free cupcakes and I hung to greet whoever showed up, wearing this very outfit! ;)

I'm holding French toast, which was devoured by my 15 year old. No pics. Only IG stories on that day. 

My middle child had his friend since kindergarten visiting. We HAD to take him!

Momma had to get one for her birthday!! Isn't she pretty? :)

My boys make themselves at home there, which is the vibe you get at Splat anyway, so I don't stress about it.

Yeah. Every once in awhile I eat one too. I have a couple favorites that are hard to resist when they are available. Tres Leches is light and creamy, Banana N Creme is the perfect banana bread with a delicious cream cheese icing, which is not too sweet and my new favorite that I think about when I'm at home is Wild Oats. Someone please bring me one NOW!!

Well that's all for today my reader friends. You make blogging so fun, so comment I way. I love it!!



Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Little Spanish Flair?

Dressy, flowy and heels to boot! Who is this??  You don't often see me in a skirt and heels, but for the first time ever, I have in my possession a bold lip color!  I blame it all on my sister in law. During my visit to Columbus she hooked me up with my first Lipsense experience. I could go for some of those lovely neutrals that I live day to day in. However,  if I was going to try a lip color designed to stay on all day, why not shoot for something obvious?

But what does this lip color have to do with the style of my outfit? I'm so glad you asked. ;) In lieu of the fact that I've never sported bright lips, I thought I should style an outfit completely inspired by said lips.

I opened my closet and saw the floral belt and the salmon colored shoes. Then I noticed the black and white skirt, which is a recent hand me down from my dad's girlfriend. I don't know why this is amusing to me, but it is. If someone gives me an article of clothing, I see a fun challenge to make it work with my style...whatever that may be.

One the outfit came together I couldn't help but think of a Spanish style. Maybe it's the print of the skirt combined with the flower on the belt. Anyway, my thoughts were confirmed when I bumped into a friend and she said...

"You look Spanish today." ;)

That made me smile... 

Yeah. Just like that. ;)

As for the accessories, I went for simple silver. Any extra color around my face looked like too much combined with the bold lips. 

So, have you ever tried lip sense? If yes, what do you think?

I noticed that the color lasted all day with the occasional lip gloss re-application. My only troubles arose when I drank Kombucha and then again while eating salsa at a Mexican restaurant. So be sure to use a straw while drinking your fabulous Kombucha while wearing Lipsense, and remember to reapply the lipgloss if you're going to be dining at a Mexican restaurant. You don't want to be in the middle of your tasty Mexican dinner and begin to worry that your lip color is peeling in splotches!

Outfit Breakdown: Lipsense (Jessi's Facbook Group)/Top: WHBM (OLD)/Skirt (Dad's GF)/Shoes: Nordstrom Rack (Old)/Jewelry: Premier Designs (Chrissy's Premier)

****Where I Wore It****

We go to church every Sunday, but this Sunday was super special because our 8 year old twins were baptized by my husband. It was so beautiful to watch. I stood at the baptismal entrance, taking it all in as my husband explained the ways their lives have begun to show real understanding in the simple Gospel message, as well as ways they are beginning to live out their sweet, young faith. He choked up, I choked up and they smiled.

"Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and that He now lives in you? Is Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of your life?"


"Then it gives me great pleasure to baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Buried with Christ in baptism and raised to walk in newness of life."

I'm not gonna lie. I'm crying right now. Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward faith, as well as an act of obedience. It is not the beginning and it is not the end. We continue to pray that their faith will grow in Christ, just as we pray for our other boys, other family members AND ourselves!

That's all for today my dear reader friends. I pray you are blessed by an awareness of a loving God today!!


"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Pinterest Inspiration: Green Jeans & Gray

Hello! Now what's amusing the guy out for a walk with his dog?? Initially I thought it's because he noticed me posing for a picture, but when I looked a little closer...there's a kid hiding behind me for pics. I can honestly say, I didn't even notice. Just one of the many surprises I find when I go through my pictures after the fact!

Today's outfit is a result of pinterest scrolling. Every once and awhile find outfit inspiration  for items that I already own. For instance, I scrolled upon this tee and green jean outfit and saved it for another day.

As you can see, I put my own twist on it considering the heat of the day and the fact that we would be walking around an open market in "Uptown Columbus".

My denim is nicely ventilated, my v-neck tank is linen and I paired them with my birthday present from last year. Once broken in, these chacos are comfortable, while adding the solid support I need for my varicose ridden legs!

Right now Gap's sale is still on with plenty of sizes in the gray tank! However, I recommend sizing down, as mine is a small but I feel it's a bit big and bordering a maternity style.

Outfit Breakdown:
Top: GAP (exact)/Jeans: Cello (Marisa Jills)/Shoes: Chaco (REI)/Purse: My 31/Jewelry: Premier Designs (order direct)/Shades: Costco


There were plenty of vendors to temp you with their homemade goods and homegrown produce. With travels back home next on my agenda, I merely admired. However, I am kicking myself for not grabbing some of the granola I sampled. I could be adding that deliciousness to a green smoothie right now!!

See how much fun they were having...!!!!

Of course, with young boys we knew our market trip would be short, but we made the best of it. It was just too bright and hot for their liking...

So we treated them to a "Planet Pops" popsicle.

Turns out their raspberry lemonade was a little sour (see Kesler's expression), but Jess loved her lavender vanilla and I enjoyed my mango ginger.

Before leaving, we had to grab a couple of Epinadas for my brother who was working with his first set of recruits. I'm sure he appreciated the treat after a long first couple of days.

That's all for today my reader friends! Until next time. :)

Chrissy R.
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