
Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday Favorites: New Brands & Products I Love

Hello! Are you ready for some football?? I'm cautiously excited because back in May our eldest badly broke his collar bone during some practice drills. It took over three months to heal. Now that he received clearance from the doctor, he's back in it, working hard to get his weight up. Needless to say, this momma will be a nervous spectator. I guess that's all apart of being a mom. So before I prepare for another night in the stands, let's talk Friday Favorites.

One of my favorite things about the blog world is reviewing products! It feels like an adventure to receive and be acquainted with brands and products I've not tried before. And if I like them? Well, I share them here with you on the blog! And today features a few of the recents starting with a protein shake.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Chino Shorts For Now Or Later & The Style Six Link Up

Hey sweet friends! As you can see I'm still in shorts, but did you notice that I'm wearing long sleeves?? There's a temporary break from the stifling, sauna-like thickness of south Florida humidity and I'm taking advantage. Though temps continue in the high 80s, the gentle breezes make for a comfortable bike ride with my daytime buddies.  One boy lamented that PE was not a necessary subject and I disagreed. We need our vitamin D and daily dose of exercise!

Speaking of exercise, my mom recently challenged me to 30 minutes of activity a day for 100 days. Challenge accepted and welcomed - at least by me anyway. ;) Whether they understand it or not, burning off pent up energy helps them focus better!

Now I realize there's no need for runway fashion at home, but a comfy put-together look makes me feel more confident. I function better, even if all I'm sporting is a simple top and a cute pair of shorts!
Speaking of the shorts, I found them on sale at GAP (code SEP40 for 40% off online!) and couldn't resist. With already two pairs of chinos in solids, it was time for a striped pair, right? If shorts are already off your fall attire, you can stock up for next year!

As for the rest of this outfit, I happily shopped my closet and even ended up wearing my long neglected, classic VANS! Scroll on down for more photos with my favorite cruiser, my pick from last week's link up and of course this week's link up! I'm so glad you're here!


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Style Six Link Up: Battling In The Trenches

Hello my friends. Welcome to another Style Six link up! With the sweltering Florida heat, style and I are in the trenches battling lack of motivation. Thankfully, the evenings invite the caresses of a mildly cool breeze. I delight in those moments, realizing they cannot be appreciated without the experienced discomfort. Amen, right?

The same goes with our crazy schedule! We added another co-op to our homeschool routine, which the boys love. However, that's another day away from home with more work to be done during the week. Thankfully, we've found our groove, as long as we stick to the routine. Or more importantly, the lessons are laid out before they're up the next day. (There's so much to be said about being prepared!) All this to say, I cannot begin to express how much I appreciate peaceful, quiet moments because of all this crazy!


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

My Favorite Fall Looks & The Style Six Link Up

Hello and welcome to the first Style 6 weekly link up! How did the Style 6 come about? Well that's a long story, but I'll sum it up by saying that the blog world can be full of adventure and surprises. It better be for all the work it requires to keep up, right??  Anyway, I've engaged with a few of these ladies through commenting and then one trip to Nashville brought all of us together.  You can read about that adventure HERE. After the Nashville trip (and many conversations on the Marco Polo app) this link up was born! And what better time to dive right in than the fall season?

And speaking of fall, have you glanced over the Pantone color chart for fall/winter? I gave it a once over for the first time while enjoying girl time with my mom - my first pedicure in Florida!!!

Here's the chart (other charts had small differences, but I like this one...)
The color polish I went with...


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Essential Oil Organization & Simply Earth's September Recipe Box

Hello! Would you believe this is my 12th post on Simply Earth's Essential Oil Recipe boxes? What a blessing this company is to me and my family! Right after we moved to Florida I received my first box, consisting of FOUR full-sized bottles of EOs, vibrant recipe cards and bonus items. In addition, I received a bonus box full of empty roller bottles, EO bottles, almond oil, etc. I looked at the contents of that box and thought, "what am I going to do with all that???". Well, I can assure you I've found plenty of uses.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wild Print Mixing & Red Bow Shoes

Hello! As I type, Fraser plays on the television while my husband and eldest bellow back and forth about last Friday night's HS football game. In the midst of their clamor my youngest two clamor to chime in. My middle son joins them, ice cream bowl in hand. Of course all this brings the dog from her slumbering couch nap in hopes of a quick game of tug-o-war, or maybe even a dropped snack. It's a typical evening around.

Though we thought we'd be hunkering down from torrential rains and angry winds, hurricane Dorian went in another direction. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bahamas, as thousands are not enjoying a "normal" evening at home. (I'm adding the RedCross link HERE to donate because sometimes I desire to help and just don't know how!)

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