
Thursday, September 12, 2013

"Blush and Bashful"

Remember that scene from Steel Magnolias?

Dolly Parton's character just asked Julia Robert's (Shelby) what her wedding colors are. She replies with blush and bashful. Her mother "Melin" interjects that her colors are pink and pink.

"My collahs are blush and bashful momma." "Pink is my signature collah."

Why did I love such a sad movie? I can remember watching it with my mom as a young girl, crying (no sobbing) along with her when Sally Fields does an amazing performance at the scene during Shelby's funeral.

"WHY? I wanna know WHY??" She cried out in a tremendous display of grief stricken pain.

My throat catches and my eyes well up just writing about it! But I also remember just enjoying time spent with my mom. We loved to watch girlie movies together and still do! Thinking about those days makes me wish I had a little girl. Well, I guess I will have to borrow my nieces every now and then.

This is how my brain works people.  I go from thinking about shades of pink, "blush and bashful" to sad funeral scenes.  What an emotional roller coaster I like to live on!

Moving on...I'm not sure that these photos show all the shades of pink very well. Even the ball cap, hailing from Puerto Rico has pink over the green. This pink fest was inspired by my adventurous nail colors for this week. Yup - blush and bashful.  This outfit won't be selected to be featured on other blogs but I had fun wearing it.  And to be honest I really need a hair cut and have no other recourse but to wear hats and feature side braids, pony tails and bun styles.

Do you have a movie from childhood that seems to "stick" with you?

Being Adventurous with my nails - a first for me!

Pink Scarf, pink shirt and...brown boots. ha!

In honor of my cap from the Mother Land - some SAD salsa moves


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