
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hats for the Morning Rush

So the hair is not cooperating and you had neither time, nor desire to apply makeup? Simply grab a hat. If you feel you're not a hat person, don't give up yet. Most often that is not the case, but rather finding the right style and fit for your head and face.

This outfit was stylish to me, yet comfortable. It's also a product of purging my closet. Cleaning out my closet gave me a better idea of what I actually need and want.  I made a list of wants/wishes on my phone and refer to it when I'm shopping.

It's a short list, but it does seem to change often...

Long, cozy sweater.  Check.
Long shirts to pair with leggings. Check.

I just read a great blog post about cleaning out your closet, by Js Everyday Fashion. I love her tips on making a list for your future purchases. She also posts outfit inspirations for casual, work attire, etc daily, so you may just want to follow her!

Sweater: American Eagle
TOP: Ruby Ribbon (hand me down)
Boots: Random Shoe store
Necklace: Local Vendor (it was a gift so I'm not sure which one)
Hat: MIL

I'm linking up with the Pleated Poppy. Yay! I love WIWW. :)





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