
Monday, December 4, 2017

TBB Asks: Holiday Questions & Answers

Hello! Welcome to December, right? Last Monday we were finishing up all things fall and after one weekend, we have Christmas lights and our tree set up at home. The Christmas season is here and I couldn't be more excited! There's much to love about the Christmas season, but I also recognize that the holidays can be a difficult time for those suffering the loss of loved ones, loneliness, financial difficulty, etc. I pray that this Christmas of 2017 you will be comforted and even surprised by extra doses of kindness as you go through out your day. 

 Today's post is another fun get to know you, question and answer segment from the Blended Blog series: TBB ASKS. Can you guess the theme?
The Holidays!!
But before I delve into those fun questions, here's a quick peek at my random outfit. I say random because it doesn't look as put together as I'd like. Just the same I had fun with it and I like to share my  wins as well as not-quite-there-yet, or all out flails on the blog. 

Well, I did love the boots, the skirt and the jewelry from this outfit. I'd wear this again, but with a few tweaks. Now let's get on with those questions!!

Real or fake tree? We had a fake tree for years but after 2 broke we gave up and decided to venture to a tree farm and cut our own down. What fun memories we have. Now our tree excursions end up being Home Depot or Costco but we love it. 

Favorite Christmas Cookie? Man that's a hard one. When I was little we would spend Christmas' with this sweet family who lived on a farm each year. Each year she would make pecan sandies. They were so delicious! I haven't met their rival since. 

Home on Christmas morning or travel?  Since we travel on Thanksgiving to the hubby's family we are able to be home on Christmas morning. 

Clear or colored lights? Our tree has clear lights, but our bedrooms have colored lights. 

Send Christmas cards? Ugh, I'm terrible at this! I used to send a newsletter every year. Now it's very sporadic. 

Favorite Christmas present received? Man, that's tough because I love all gifts; big or small. Serioulsy, I love surprises and the thought behind the gifts. However, in an effort to play along, I'll share one that I use all the time: my first leather jacket. Wow, was I excited about that one. Of course I did a blogpost on it...

Favorite Christmas present given? Another toughie. Pooping reindeer and shotgun shell lights were my favorite comical gift. Surprising our boys with an XBox that was given to us was so fun! Look at those happy faces!

Stockings or No stockings? Stockings for sure! My mom has always made a big deal over the stockings and continued the tradition  into our adulthood. In addition, my mother-in-law does stockings and has this knack for getting unique doodads for the kitchen and boutique finds, making each year an exciting surprise.  I'm trying to learn from these fabulous ladies and up my stocking game for the boys. 

Christmas PJs? No matchy pjs, but I think it would be fun if we did!

Favorite Christmas Carol? Oh man! I love "O' Holy Night". This makes me flash back to childhood and our small little white church we used to attend in NJ. The same soprano would sing "O' Holy Night" in the Christmas Eve service. I loved hearing her sing, while holding my candle. This continues to be my favorite, but now I'd have to add the modern "Carol of the Bells" by Transiberian Orchestra. They are amazing!

Favorite Holiday Tradition? Again, so many! From trimming our tree together, watching Hallmark movies, driving around looking at Christmas lights, shopping for gifts, our yearly Christmas service at church to just spending more time together as a family, with family and friends, I feel blessed by it all. 



However, I do have one strange/silly tradition that began In 2011. I call it the  "25 Days of Christmas Trees".  It all started after attending a party where the house had more than 5 theme-decorated Christmas trees. One was animal print, another was a nautical theme and so on. A I joke I posed by each one for keepsake pictures, but I left with the idea to finish out the Christmas season with pics by a different Christmas tree each day. Wouldn't that be fun? This grew into random pop-ins at friend"s houses, Starbucks, the kid's school or anywhere else I could find. 

The Nautical and Very First Tree
The Starbuck's Tree with my favorite Barista ever!

Kindergarten Christmas Party

The Little White Church Tree
My son's friend's family tree. Oh, and this kid got a cupcake because you know this is my year of a free cupcake a day! Why not add this on to my tree tradition??

I took the last year or two off, but as you can see I'm back at it. Only time will tell if I will be able to get one for each day! Follow along on my InstaStories if ya like. ;)

Early shopper or last minute? Both. I like to begin collecting as I go along, but always end up with a good bit of items I need at the last minute. This year I didn't even shop cyber sales for the family! I'm so behind!

Favorite Christmas movie or show? I've watched too many to count. Hallmark is the one time of year I take advantage of our basic cable. 

Favorite holiday beverage? I'm boring about this. I just like coffee. Maybe fancy it up here and there with a Minty Christmas Mocha, but I find cider or wassail to be too sweet for my tastebuds.

Cookies & Milk for Santa? I barely make cookies for my family, so poor Santa definitely doesn't get any. lol!

How about you, my reader friends? What's your favorite holiday tradition?



  1. Love your gingerbread house pictures. I love the idea of 25 days of Christmas trees! That is fabulous!

    1. Thank you Carrie. And thanks so much for the blog visit. I love meeting new folks. :)

  2. Oh yes! The hole month Christmas! But first I have to buy a tree!

  3. What a fun post to read, Chrissy!!!
    And yes, I did love the random outfit!!

    1. Thank you Jodie for visiting...always enjoy hearing from you. And thank you for validating this outfit. I was on the fence! ;)


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