
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Simply Earth Essential Oils Recipe Box and The Sunday Showcase

Hello! It's the first Sunday of the month, which means another feature and link up with Ada and Kellyann for the Sunday Showcase. If this is your first month to join us, welcome! I love connecting with new humans!  This month I am excited to feature my first of what I hope to be many recipe boxes from Simply Earth Essential Oils. So please join me on this new adventure, learn about my first essential oil experience, which is a total Chrissy moment, and look for a surprise at the end!

Before I start, let me disclose that my bent towards natural foods, personal care and even healing minor issues, rarely delves into the world of Essential Oils. In fact, I have two recipes: a hand and air sanitizer that I picked up from a Nutrition Depot owner, which is pretty amazing (I'll share that one on the blog soon!), and a salt sock recipe I use for one of my boys that gets occasional earaches.

When the flu passed through our family this year, a sweet friend shared one of her EO blends and instructed me how to use it topically, in the diffuser and even in some gel capsules. It helped tremendously, but even after that experience I struggle to be consistent with them.

Also, there's a certain stigma that essential oils developed from over eager distributors. I don't think I need to expound on this, except to say that there is a balance to everything! The multitude of uses, aides and possibilities for EOs are seemingly endless, which is probably why I turn away overwhelmed. In addition, I know enough about them to be aware of how important the quality and manner of processing the oil is. There are potential risks if used improperly.

Allow me to share one quick story about my first self-introduction to essential oils.

Story Time...

It was a rare and quiet evening. My husband had the boys, and I was alone. Not ten minutes had passed, before I made my way to the master with giddy anticipation.  I wanted to test out my new essential oil, purchased for the hand sanitizer recipe, in a nice, refreshing bubble bath.

It was peppermint.

I opened the bottle and inhaled the invigorating scent. Ahhh. I smiled to myself and waited until my steaming bath was ready.

How many drops should I put in? I started with just a couple.

What's a couple of drops going to do in all this water?? I added a few more.

The fresh scent of peppermint began to fill my bathroom as I shook this new bottle over and over again. Finally, I decided it was enough and gingerly placed my foot into the water.

My body quickly adjusted to the temperature and I sunk down until I was covered with water and relaxed against the back of the tub.

No sooner had my eyes closed when I noticed something wasn't right. The bath water was HOT but I started to feel cold.

My eyes popped open and I stared at the little circles of oil floating on the water.

Woah! My entire body felt prickly and goosebumps developed everywhere. And I mean everywhere. My lady parts had never experienced cold. Never. I quickly shot up, sloshing water everywhere.

What the heck?

I reached for my towel, teeth chattering, skin burning with an icy sensation and began to dry off as best as I could. Ten minutes passed before my skin calmed and I felt warm again.

Lesson learned. I really need to get better about researching.


Now let's get back to Simply Earth.  When they contacted me, I hopped over to their site and was excited about what I found. They send out a monthly subscription box with full size bottles of essential oils, recipe cards and a bonus item that correlates with the month's theme. They use high quality oils (check out their "Pure Promise" HERE) and save you lots of money by cutting out the middle man.

Also, you can purchase oils individually as well, which I will do when I need more peppermint oil!

You get to preview the box before it comes and skip it if you don't like what you see. Don't love an item you purchased from their site?  You have 365 days to decide for a store credit!

Your first order comes with a bonus box, valued at $50, with the items you need to get started! My box had Almond oil and fractionated coconut oils to serve as carriers, as well as beeswax, a tub of coconut oil and several glass bottles and rollers.

Fun fact: When you subscribe you get a bonus box EVERY six months! How great is that?

Check out September's box with activities for grown ups and kids alike!

4 Full Size Essential Oils:
Himalayan Cedarwood
Bumps and Boo-boos Blend

1 Essential Oils Kid's Jewelry Bracelet
6 Recipe Cards
1 Sheet of beautiful stickers to label your projects/bottles

How I played...

The Bracelet

This bracelet is handcrafted by women in Haiti, eager to find work.

This month's "extra" item is geared to younger ones, but since the bracelet is adjustable I took full advantage of it for myself.  After adding the indicated number of drops to the clay beads, I'd slip her on and go about my day.

The Calming Sock Bun

With two teenagers and rambunctious twins I felt like a little calming was in order! I also enjoyed seeing their faces when they saw me cutting off the toe part of the sock.

Relax boys...these are odd socks!

Bumps and Boo-Boos Roll On

I used the Bumps and Boo-Boos roll on recipe over my eyelids. There is something going on there that's driving me crazy. It itches and make up irritates terribly. Last night I cautiously rolled a small amount and felt instant relief. This morning I used a little more. We will see how this goes!

Something tells me I'll be using this roll on for more than my eyes in the future. Wink. Wink.

I can honestly say that I had fun playing with these oils and love the step by step recipe cards. This company is perfect for someone who loves DIY or is DIY challenged. It's perfect for the EO lover or the newbie on the scene that would rather not fuss with researching "how-to" and "what-to".  Amen - I'm the latter to both of these.

Lastly, I want to share that Simply Earth partners with organizations that fight against human trafficking. When I read their vision and "cause" statement I couldn't help but be moved. They give 13% of their profits to these companies because "the average age of individual forced into human trafficking is 13".  To read more on their heart behind this mission and see who they partner with, click HERE

Simply Earth's recipe box is $39 a month. Of course you can skip, pause, cancel and manage your account to you liking.

But what's the surprise? A coupon code of course!

If you choose to try their DIY subscription box with affordable, pure oils e and extra freebies, use my code! With it you will receive the $50 bonus box for FREE and a $20 gift card to purchase other goodies from their site! Here's the LINK and type in the following code at checkout:


So my friends, I'd love to hear from you! Do you use EOs? What's your favorite? And if you try Simply Earth, please let me know. I'd love know what you think!

Now go on and link up your September Showcase!



  1. Oh I really want to get int oils more - oils on my hair, oils on my skin! I love the way many smell too! Great review xx Maria

    1. Haha! I know. It just sounds like they should be able to do wonders for us, right?! It makes me think of the story of Esther in the Bible, when she was awaiting her meet up with the king. It says they had a year’s worth of beauty treatment with oils, etc. I’d like to try that. Haha!

  2. I've never heard of this brand, but I absolutely love essential oils!!

    1. That’s what I love about the blog world - you hear about such great companies. I love the heart of this company, as well as the quality but wouldn’t have heard of them if not for the blog!!

  3. I used a few essential oils about 2 years ago. I love the recipe cards, sure makes things easier!

    1. I’m looking forward to trying the diffuser and “oiling” up the air. Haha!

  4. I love body oils as I have a very dry skin.

    1. Do you use coconut oil? That's my favorite right now!

  5. Chrissy, I am dying laughing over here about your bath time experience! Totally something I would do. I overdo everything! Although, I have not used many essential oils, there are a few that are my instant go-to’ particular lavender for headaches and eucalyptus for congestion. Both work marvelously. I need to research some more as well. Great post! Thanks for sharing!


    1. Thank you Shelbee! I appreciate you taking the time to read and humor me in my silliness. I know how busy us moms are and it makes me all the more grateful. You're a gem!!

  6. Well, I so enjoyed this post. I use EO and loved learning about this company that I've never heard of. I do love Peppermint and am diffusing it right now as I write and I diffuse a blend of oils every night. Blessings for a great day!

    1. Thank you Lea! You're always such an encouragement and I appreciate it so much. Simply Earth sells EOs individually as well at great prices. I'm glad to have found them - or glad they found me! ;) I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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