
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day With Saranghae Skincare: My Year Long Love Story

How has 13 months already passed since my first review on Saranghae's 5 Step Korean skincare routine?? I was so excited to get my first box of Saranghae, especially after reading through their website and the customer reviews.  I wanted to feel good about what I was putting on my skin, but I also wanted it to WORK - boy did I want it to work! Well, that box did not disappoint (see my first review HERE) and about four months later I ordered my second box. Now I'm on the third and am happy to share a recap of my year long love story with this fabulous skincare company! *Oh! I made a video too!!! You'll find that at the end. :)

What IS it?

Saranghae is a company committed to natural skincare that heals and rejuvenates the skin day by day! They are a vegan and free of phthalates, sulfates, parabens and cruelty. This skin care is for any skin type and of course for whatever stage of life you're in. The 5 Step Routine is their signature set, but since my introduction to their products, they've already added two more - a charcoal mask and a balancing toner.

The Five Steps
1. Oil Plus Foam Cleanser
2. Essence Serum
3. Firm + Lift Regeneration Cream
4. Eye Cream
5. Weekly or as needed Essence Sheet Mask

Charcoal Mask, Balancing Toner (Jade Roller not by Saranghae)

What I Continue to LOVE

I love how the gold-flecked foaming cleanser goes on dry and with a few drops of water becomes a sudsy, thorough cleaning process. It's quick, easy and fabulously effective at removing makeup.

I love how the serum feels silky and goes on smooth.

I love how surprisingly light and greaseless the restoration cream feels.

 I love how the area around my eyes continues to soften, while the dark circles continue to fade.

I LOVE how my skin looks and feels after an application of the sheet mask!

What I learned in a year:
  • Healthy skin is a commitment, not an overnight fix - but it's worth it!!
  • Care is from the inside out: proper hydration, rest and food choices play a big role in my overall skin health
  • Just like anything else, consistency is key! 
  • I don't have to do it all at once. I didn't add the charcoal mask or toner until I had a handle on the 5 main steps. (I'm also experimenting with a jade roller that came in my Causebox subscription.)
  • Enjoy the process of taking care of my skin. It's about 5 to 7 minutes that I get to myself!
  • I feel most beautiful after I clean my face! Not after makeup, but after my routine.

Jade Roller from Causebox Subscription

The Overall Improvements I Love

Over the course of a year, there were times when I wasn't as consistent. Bad Chrissy. On the other hand, that's when I learned how my skin should and could look. I also know that results vary by each individual, so I no longer compare my progress with the progress of others. I'm looking for consistent improvements and overall healthy skin. Let me just say this again because it's true. I feel most beautiful after I clean my face.  

I'll close with these photos, which span over the last 6 months. (Sorry, the oldest photos went down with my previous laptop.) I see gradual improvements in pigmentation, especially on my right cheek, fine lines and under eye coloring. It's enough of an improvement to inspire me to keep going!

Thank you Saranghae for helping me fall in love with my skin! *

Oh! Love that spa band? I just checked and Saranghae is still offering a free spa band with a complete 5 Step Routine purchase. Hop on over and check out their site for more detailed information on what each product does, a full list of ingredients and lots of reviews! 

*Though I have purchased from Saranghae and am a current member, I will be provided with a box in exchange for this post. Thank you for supporting this blog!


  1. I love my jade roller. Your skin looks great!!

  2. You are such a beauty Chrissy! Seriously, so pretty and your skin looks amazing! I love these photos!

    1. Thank you Kellyann. You're the best encourager - ever! Big hugs my friend!

  3. It's great you are seeing results and you are enjoying this set and routine, it's nice to hear it's working so well for you! You look radiant :)

    Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :) Hope that you are having a good week so far :) We finally got a break in the heatwave last night and it was so welcome!

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you Mica. My mom always says any routine is better than no routine, so there's that right??

  4. I have been using korean skin care routine for a few years now and have really noticed a difference! It's a commitment with all the steps, but it is worth it in the end! Your skin looks fantastic after using these products! Thanks for sharing your experience!

    1. Thanks Laura! I'd love to see a post about yours! hint. hint. ;)


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