
Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday Favorites: All the Things

From Easter gift ideas to the everyday things that make me smile, I'm elated for the opportunity to share in with you on the favorites editions!! These weekly posts quickly became my, well, favorite! It's the real life day to day things I use, put a smile on my face, make life easier or all of the above. I've loved reading everyone else's ideas and have no shame in jumping on the band wagon. I hope you enjoy today's favorites!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Faux Leather, Floral & The Spring Causebox

Spring is almost on its way out in Sarasota and the humid temps are on their way in, so I thought I'd seize the opportunity to wear my faux leather gray pants before it's too late! As for the portfolio clutch, it was my most anticipated Causebox item, however it quickly became my biggest (momentary) disappointment. Read on to hear more and see the full Spring subscription box!

Now before I chat about contents, let's talk outfit details! The scalloped sleeve, floral top and faux leather pants were shopped from my closet, while the leather slides were a recent clearance find from Lucky Brand. And of course there's that portfolio clutch there's that clutch I mentioned. I liked how this came together, but it's missing something...

We will get to that later as well, but for now let's get back to Causebox.

What's IS it? 
What is Causebox? Well, have you heard of Fab Fit Fun - that wonderful box of full-sized "hot" items packed up at an amazing price? Causebox has the same idea, only with a socially conscious twist. Here's how they describe their company:

"A quarterly curation of socially conscious lifestyle products for women. Every box is filled with products that have a story and make a difference."

Each quarterly box is $54 or $200 up front for a year. Each box is designed by an artist, so who wants to discard them?? Not me.  In addition, the spring box features an item that the Causebox Team designed WITH another company. Hint: It is my most anticipated item!

What's IN the Spring Box?
  • Marina De Buchi Bracelet ($37 retail value)
  • Bamboo Lyocell Eye Mask ($15 retail value)
  • Cleobella Scarf ($52 retail value) 
  • Altru Macrame Plant Hanger (Retail value $14)
  • Glow Bamboo Brightening Mask by Cosmedix ($54 retail value)
  • Wyld French Pink Clay Konjac Sponge (retail value 16.90)
  • Glass Ladder & Co Portfolio Clutch (valued at $120)
  • Mist Congeniality - rose water hydra mist (retail value $22)
The Scarf 

Beautiful, silky smooth. This scarf feels luxurious. However,  I usually don't wear any shade of gold or yellow, But you never know til you try right?? So, I took the scarf off the dog and skeptically tried it on myself. Surprise. This is the first bit of yellow fabric that I've worn close to my face in I don't know how long! Currently it's tied around my head. I've also worn it as a belt and of course around my neck.

Beauty Items
I haven't tried any of these products, but I love the concept of a hydra mist and who doesn't love a good mask! As for the sponge, it is rock hard and softens up when wet. I used it last night and loved it!

The "Megan" Portfolio

Here it is! The much anticipated item! This beautiful vegan clutch was designed in three colors: grey, black and rose gold. It has several organizational pockets and feels like real leather - Swoon! So what's the problem, right?

Well, I dreamed of different ways I'd use this clutch...toting my laptop in style to the coffee shop, upcoming vacation trips, etc. However, when I tried to fit my Mac I felt like Cinderella's step-sister with the glass slipper - grunting ungracefully, pushing and shoving. Oh, I got it in there, but not without considerable effort. My laptop is a hair too big. Sad day, right? I spent another 10 minutes trying to get it back out. Won't be doing that again. However, I found that my Cultivate Power Sheets and accessories fit perfectly so not all is lost!! Also, after a little investigation I learned that the newer models do fit (mine is a 2015).

Alright, someone needs me. Have you tried Causebox? This is my third subscription and I've loved each one. The winter box became a source for several Christmas gifts, which made me feel sublimely justified in my purchase. ;)

Monday, March 25, 2019

Top Aldi Picks With Prices That Can't Be Beat

I have three favorites when it comes to grocery stops: Costco, Aldi & Detwiler's Farmer's Market. Do I need to go to all three? Maybe not, but I sure love the system I have. Costco for coffee, lunch meat, cheeses etc, Detwiler's for milk, most of my meats and produce and Aldi seems to fill in the rest. I find that Aldi's prices on our family favorites can't be beat - and that includes B1G1 sales! So today I wanted to share our favorites to either add to your favorites or bring Aldi onto your shopping route! However, let me prepare you in advance, they are not all healthy choices.  There are battles I've chosen to concede in, starting with sugar cereal. Oh the horror!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday Favorites: Spring Is In The Air

Hello! And a happy Friday to you! Today I'm THRILLED to share with you a few of my recent favorites. Most of them are "new to me", which is probably what's got me all giddy. From an item that brings on nostalgia for an era I never lived in, to a product that makes me feel like I'm walking through the heavenly gardens, I hope you'll enjoy as much I as do. And be sure to look for a 30% off coupon code for my fave new kitchen item!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Lucky Brand: Baggy Boyfriend Jeans For Spring

"Honey, do these boyfriend jeans look silly on me?" In a moment of fashion doubt, I asked my hubby what he thought of the baggy fit of my new jeans. He surprised me with a positive response. Why did I buy a pair of jeans that I wasn't 100% sure about? 

Monday, March 18, 2019

GAP Finds For Spring/Summer 2019

Beeeeeeeeeeep! We interrupt the usual blog schedule for a "GAP finds" post because there is a 40% off sale going on all this week! We wouldn't want you to miss it!

And now back to our post.

Don't be deceived by the "baby" on the bag! Those clothes were for us! During our recent visit with Grandma and Grandpa, my mother-in-law and I went SHOPPING! After my 6 month "shop my closet" adventure this felt like she was taking me to Disney World. No Lie! We both love looking at home decor and shopping for clothes and as I've stated on the blog before: My MIL is one of my fashion inspirations! This lady knows her colors and she has an eye for DETAIL.

Before her visit, the boys and I had already scoped out GAP for my current closet "need". SHORTS! I loved the shorts, but they were full price. And so I waited, but I didn't have to wait long. The following week our shopping adventure began with those shorts! And wouldn't you know it? She loved them as much as I did AND there were on sale! We spent well over in hour scouring the racks, trying on our picks and even trading since we wear close to the same size!  Ok! Let's get to those clothes!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday Features: The Sunshine Blogger Award

Hello my lovelies! Today I'm honored to be sharing answers from Kim at Fierce Fashion for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  Thank you Kim for recognizing Granola & Grace as a blog that inspires positivity and joy. Sending you the biggest of cyber hugs and thrilled to share answers to your posed questions. And what's up with the strawberries? Well, in light of some of those questions I thought it would be a great opportunity to give a mini-highlight to my favorite local market - Detwiler's!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Simply Earth's Essential Oil Wellness Box For March!

Anxiety Away, Mood Lifting Diffuser Blends, Magnesium Sleep Spray...can you just feel the tension easing out of my shoulders as I type? Soft music plays and a smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. It's my 6th month with Simply Earth essential oils subscription boxes and I continue to be impressed with their creative recipe. In 6 months I gained a total of 24 bottles of EOs, 24 natural recipes and lots of memories with my boys. I bring roll-on bottles around from place to place and when I forget what oil does what, I simply refer back to my growing stack of cards. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

16 Going On...Best Look From Your Teens

For today's fashion adventures I'm featuring a surprise top that came in the mail from a friend and linking up with the Blended Blog for "Best Look From Your Teens"! Like seriously, you're going to love it! Ok, in all honesty my teen years were riddled with fashion challenges. However, I've learned a fashion thing or two about teen fashion from sitting in the bleachers at football games.  I'd watch and be dazzled and amazed by some of the choices that ranged from grunge, sporty, minimal amounts of fabric and of course the trending high waisted jean. I'm happy to say that distressed was among the styles and who doesn't think high school with a top like this? The shirt's arrival is simply providential! Wink, wink!

And how appropriate that these pictures were taken at our local library! So today, I'll be sharing what I'm currently reading as well! Thank you for joining me!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Friday Favorites: Featuring The Sip & Mingle Blogger Event

So I did something. I drove about 3 hours to attend a conference hosted by Influencers I have never met or heard of!  It would also be my first blogging conference ever and I'm thrilled to share a recap  in lieu of my Friday Favorites.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

How I Shop My Closet & The Sunday Showcase Turns 1!

Hello! And welcome to our twelfth Sunday Showcase link up with Ada, Kellyann and returning guest host, Shelbee! The Sunday Showcase is an opportunity to feature whatever you like; it's Sunday so let's be chill, right? Well, I'm happy to be closing out our year anniversary with tips I learned from an unplanned "shop my closet" adventure! This adventure lasted almost 6 months with the exception of a couple of tops, pieces sent to me for review and gifts from loved ones.   And I didn't come to this realization until I went hunting outfit hunting for a blogger event I attended this past weekend (more to come on that soon!).  Why and what did I learn from this adventure?  Read on for more...
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