
Friday, June 28, 2019

Friday Favorites: Fashion, Summer CauseBox, Influencer Events & More

Another Friday is upon us! I'm currently seated in a friend's home in Georgia, furiously typing my favorite blog post feature of the week - Friday Favorites!! The hodge-podge of life-currently, beauty products, fashion finds, adventures, tips and ideas, etc has me all giddy to share mine and read yours! And this week is no different! Next week, I'll share snippets from this Georgia trip, but for now let's dive in to the summer fun around Sarasota!

Fashion Favorite - The Cami Dress With The Straw Tote

Remember that dress that I purchased from the GAP a month or so ago? Well, I wouldn't remember it either. So here's a pic to jog our memory!

Monday, June 24, 2019

At Home Teeth Whitening, Electronic Toothbrush Reviews & Giveaway

Smile Fearlessly. What's more disarming and engaging than a friendly, warming smile that reaches the eyes?  However, there's many an opportunity missed when one doesn't feel confident enough to give that full toothy smile! Though my teeth aren't perfectly straight, I'm blessed with white teeth that only need occasional help due to daily coffee consumption. Usually an activated charcoal treatment straight out of the capsule helps enough to keep my smile confident, but my hubby has a different story. As a former smoker with years of daily coffee intake, he tossed "white" out of his teeth vocabulary a long time ago. In addition to this, he also had a root canal done on his front tooth. All this combined can take some confidence out his smile. Would an at home teeth whitening system even work for him?

And this my friends brings me to today's post. When Smile Brilliant reached out to me to review their whitening system, I immediately dreamed of their electronic toothbrush for me and the whitening kit for my husband. They agreed and I'm thrilled to share our review today and a giveaway! (Look for a link at the end of this post.)

Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday Feature: Casual Guy Outfits With Glen and Rob

Hello and Happy Friday my friends! If you haven't guessed it already, I'm featuring a very special guest today: my hubby. As an added bonus, I'm joining the sweet, supportive and fabulous Jodie at J's Touch of Style, who is also featuring her husband!  The fun for this feature began when I first mentioned the idea to my husband. Oh the look! I laughed again when Jodie admitted that her husband was just as enthused as mine!  That being said, they are troopers and not only played along, but embraced their feature rolls.


Monday, June 17, 2019

Overalls Return With A New Graphic Tee

Hello my friends! I hope you had nice weekend remembering or celebrating "dad". Our boys were in a musical Friday night, there was a fish fry at the church Saturday night and Sunday we had a low key Father's Day lunch at home after service. However, in between the crazy, Glen and I trounced around town in search of used patio furniture and then string lights for the pool cage. Our furniture hunt turned up nothing but laughs and blog pics, but Wal-Mart came through on the string lights! Guess we will venture out again next weekend.


Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday Favorites: Tea House, Sea Salt Spray & A Surprise

This weeks favorites are all about food, fun, friends, fashion and a sneak peek at a supremely personal item I'll be reviewing on the blog soon! Also, I'm partnering with Simply Earth for this month's June box giveaway. See what that's all about below!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Bavaro's Restaurant: Pizza Napoletana & Pastaria

Bravo Bavaros. Indeed. You welcomed local influencers, food critics and friends to get a taste of not only your authentic Italian fare, but of your inviting space, your history and your hospitality.


Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday Favorites: Red Shoes, Smoothies, Pizza Crust And Wildflower Fields

Hello and welcome to another edition of the Friday Favorites! How fun it is to share quick recaps of places visited, beauty products we love, fabulous food picks and more with each other weekly! And this week is no different. Today I'm featuring red espadrilles, a healthy pizza crust you will want to try and a quick visit to the wildflower fields! I'm so excited to have you here!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Cotton Boyfriend Overalls: A "Lucky" Find

The overall hunt is over. Admittedly, I only tried on a few pairs with no success before adding this pair to an online shopping cart. At $40 these overalls were more than I wanted to spend, but I wasn't worried. Chances were, I wouldn't like them anyway and I needed enough items for free shipping. Afterall, I was shopping online for THE summer dress. Allow me to explain...

Monday, June 3, 2019

Simply Earth Essential Oils: Summer Care

Florida was a vacation spot for our family for years. There's a lot of fond memories of playing in the surf, sunning in the beach chair and building sand castles in the sand. Of course in the evenings we'd venture out for ice cream - it's just what you do. However, there was something about the mornings, especially when I grew into adulthood. My mom, sister and I would be the first up in order to sit out on the balcony, sipping coffee in peace before children awoke and temperatures rose.

I wish I could describe how the air feels, but now that I live in Florida I noticed something. The morning air changes once the summer arrives. It's almost as if she's preparing for the wave of vacationers, looking for a chance to recharge and find moments of peace. The mornings are most definitely my favorite and when I opened the June box for Simply Earth I couldn't help but smile. It feels like vacation. They outdid themselves again!!

Join me today for a look into this month's subscription box and be sure to look for my code at the end of this post. It includes a free bonus box worth over $40 in free products, as well as a $20 gift card to their EO online store!
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