
Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday Favorites: Goodbye January

Hello to you and goodbye to January, right? In the course of a month we visited with family, celebrated two birthdays, had two down with the flu (may it stop there), received our largest car insurance bill EVER, and dove back into our home school routine. And so the New Year continues with February knocking at the door. However, before said door is opened, let's delve into a few Favorites from the past couple of weeks starting at the coffee station. Hey, it's where my days always start!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Outfit Re-Creation, Something Sparkly & The Style 6 Link Up

altar'd state

 I'm keeping it short and sweet today my friends. We have two boys down with what might be the flu -will this fever ever leave?  So today I'm simply sharing this outfit re-creation by Kellyann at This Blonde Shopping Bag as well as a sneak peek at something that sparkles. Wink.

Here's my inspiration photo:
I've styled cream with white before, but I loved Kellyann's style surprise with the snake booties. Isn't it fun when we see something we like and already have what we need in our closet?! The white crop pants from XCVI have been on repeat since they arrived. If you missed last week's post on 3 Ways to Style, check it out HERE.
xcvi cropped pants
Booties/Sweater Top: Closet/White Crop Pants C/O XCVI (20% Discount with GRANOLA20)

Something Sparkly
24 Style jewelry sent me a pair of their earrings from the Aurora Borealis Collection, as well as their Purple Infinity Heart Necklace.  I styled the earrings with today's featured outfit, but I'll be sharing a closer look at both items here soon. The website didn't do them justice!


Our Party Rules Are Simple
~Please Only Link Posts related to Fashion, Beauty or Shopping
~Please Link No More than 3 Posts
~ Please visit other Linkers and Show them your love
~We’d LOVE it if you followed all our Blogs and Socials

Listed Clockwise from our GRAPHIC

Chrissy from Granola & Grace

Lisa from Coast to Coast

Andrea from Living in Cloud Nine

Shelly from The Queen In Between

Laura from The Horton Family

Kellyann from This Blonde’s Shopping Bag

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

3 Ways To Wear: Two Closet Staples & The Style 6 Link Up

Hey beauties! How is your week going so far? Yesterday I linked up with Leslie to share our Winter Bucket Lists and now I'm dreaming about unicorns and rainbows. We have to ride those feelings for as long as we can, right? That being said I'm sharing not one, not two, but THREE looks with one top and one pair of pants! Also, it's the weekly Style 6 link up so I hope you will link up your beauty and/or fashion posts. 

Now let's get to it! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Florida Style Winter Bucket List for 2020

The sweet Leslie is hosting a Winter Bucket List link up and I'm excited to join her. Isn't the graphic fun? For me, I can dream of a cracking fire flickering in the background as I sip a hot drink while staring out the window. The view looks similar to the graphic. Snow covering the fields, trees decorated in white and maybe in some hills in the distance. I enjoy day dreaming every now and then. However, my winter looks nothing like that! It's Florida with the occasional grey skies, but mostly sunshine.

This is our peak season. Crowds fill the stores, roads, restaurants and even the beach. Many traveled down south, taking 75 all the way. It will be like this til April. All are welcome, right? Anyway, they are here to enjoy the mild Florida weather and I can't blame them a bit.  I'm going to do the same. However, before I do, I'll share a few benefits I thought of for compiling a bucket list!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday Favorites: Top 12 Looks Of 2019

Considering the fact that we're already mid-January,  my top looks are arriving fashionably late (pun 100% intended) to the blog party. However, I'm still working through my goals for the new year and wish to savor Favorite Fashion Moments,  before I move on to 2020. It was my hope for last year to grow in this space with you, and it is the same for this year. This beautiful community is supportive and I believe we all encourage each other to be embrace our own unique styles and SHINE.

Here's to another year of evolving, overcoming and cheering one another on!


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

It's All About That Tuck, Or Is it?

I've styled front tucks for quite some time. However, considering the fashion trend came on the scene in 2013 (thank you The Guardian), I'm sure I was considerably late to the party.  That's ok, I prefer the later trend, mullet tuck, where you tuck in the front and leave out the back. Either way, there's something about the trend that adds interest to an outfit for me.
In addition, I believe it can hide "problem" areas while still adding definition at the waist. So, rarely is there an outfit with all of the tee tucked in or out.  UNLESS, there's a curved hemline or as my knowledgeable friend, Lisa, says "shirt-tail"!   I hadn't thought too much into this, but if you don't want to fuss with any tucking of your shirt this style tee is the way to go. It's just so flattering!

For this reason, I'm featuring two outfits styled with a curved hem. There's no tucking to be seen. Wink. Also, aside from one of the tees and the shoes, my outfits are closet-shopped. Also, if you love this tee use Code: CHRISSY10 for 10% off!


Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday Favorites: Closing Out 2019

As is per usual for us around Christmas, we get in as much time with family as we can. However, we don't always have all my siblings close eough to all gather under one roof. Well, we  made up for lost time by visiting each other - ha! Today's favorites features a dabble of fashion, adventure highlights and even a sneak peek at my next beauty product I'm reviewing! I hope your New year is off to a fabulous start my friends!

Fashion Favorite

The Blanket Scarf Get Up that I styled for the #seeourstyles Collab with sweet Michele on Instagram. I look forward to these fashion inspiring collabs, held about every two weeks! Aside from the scarf, all my accessories were Christmas gifts! Ok wait, that scarf was a Christmas gifts as well, only from a few years ago! The cozy sweater and pants were shopped from my closet.
Favorite Family Moment - 
As I mentioned before, it's been years since my siblings and I were together...but we all met at my sister's for an after Christmas gathering. Just before some of them made their way down to Florida. ;)
Favorite Local Adventures - The Canopy Walkway at Myakka State Park
While my siblings (minus one - bohoo) were in town visiting we took them to Myakka to see the alligators sunning on the river banks. You never know what you'll see so it's always an adventure. This trip there were a few gators lounging, but the most fun was when a fisherman caught a fish and allowed a gator to come eat it right off his line. A loud yelp emitted from my mouth, as I peered over the bridge watching the giant lizard show off his stealth! How grateful I was not to be in the water with him!

Moving on from the gators we hiked the short path to the Walkway. The bridge is only 30 plus feet in the air but the look out tower is over 70 feet high. There's certainly far grander walkways around the world, but this was an adventure none-the-less. All the kids loved it as well. Now I want to visit the walkways all around the world. How fun would that be??

Busch Gardens  
Busch Gardens gives military and their families one free visit a year. Since we had passes it was a no brainer to head out there. We happened to pick the New Year's Eve, which is the busiest day of the year there. No matter, we went and played with the birds.
Favorite Silly Moment
While watching the sunset with my immediate family and visiting family, we saw a young couple get engaged. It was so sweet. Their sweet moment inspired our silly moments. On lookers might have thought we were making fun of the young man proposing to his girlfriend. Guess I should have thought of that before hand....

Favorite Product Reviews
Did you know that Tervis is based out of Venice, Florida? Now when I carry our Tervis around I'm supporting local - ha! Anyway, I had the opportunity to pick a tumbler from their site and new exactly which style I would go for - a stainless steel with a water bottle lid. They are fabulously easy to transport, easy to drink from (no messy spills - am I the only spastic one out there??), and oh so pretty!
R + Co - "Centerpiece" All-In-One Elixir & "Spiritualized" Dry Shampoo Mist
I'll be sharing more about these two products on the blog and Instagram soon! However, suffice it to say that I want to try EVERY product this company makes. Hair is a STRUGGLE for me. I had a terrible blow dryer, a curling iron held together by a scrunchie. Over the summer I tried a line of products from a brand I ended up enjoying, so I wasn't sure I needed to try another...oh yes I did! As I said, more to come on these beauties. 

Alright sweet friends, it's time to get ready for the weekend! Before you go, did you catch this week's Style Six Link up??

Happy to be linking up with...Momfessionals


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

How To Style A Relaxed Look Without Looking Frumpy

Hi! Here's looking at you 2020. In true time-passing fashion, 2019 came and went. Our family gatherings have slowed for the moment and it's back to business, right? Last year, I began my first journey in goal planning and this year I'm happy to report I'm going for it again. In spite of losing my organizational footing over the summer and barely keeping up in the fall, I concluded that some progress is better than no progress. With a smidgen of experience behind me, I can realistically assess my goals.  I'll share more on these thoughts soon, but for today let's focus on pairing two relaxed pieces together without looking sloppy.
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