
Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday Favorites: Goodbye January

Hello to you and goodbye to January, right? In the course of a month we visited with family, celebrated two birthdays, had two down with the flu (may it stop there), received our largest car insurance bill EVER, and dove back into our home school routine. And so the New Year continues with February knocking at the door. However, before said door is opened, let's delve into a few Favorites from the past couple of weeks starting at the coffee station. Hey, it's where my days always start!

Home Favorite: Valentine Coffee Bar
I set this up last year and I'm back at it again. All the extras were found at Target's "dollar spot" and I scored a few more items this year! These will be perfect for a Valentine dinner I'm hosting, which is on my Winter Bucket List post (I'm so eager to check something off my list!). 

Favorite Recipe: Hummus!

If you have a can of garbanzo beans laying around, or even better, dry ones then you can make a batch of your own hummus. I've made plenty of varieties but I had not thought to use salad dressing before. Isn't it funny the things you create when you're out of your usual ingredients? That's why it's important for us to let the pantry run low before we replenish. Some of the best work is born out of necessity - at least I think so! ;) Here's what I came up with "out of necessity:

1 Cup and 1/2 of garbanzo beans
Salt to taste
A drizzle of olive oil
1-2 T of Sundried Tomato & Garlic Dressing
A sprinkle of paprika for a garnish

Mix it up in your processor or a high powered blender and serve it up!

Favorite Beauty Review: Sobel SkinRX Retinol Treatment
I was sent a bottle of the Sobel SkinRx Retinol Night treatment, which recently hit the shelves at Sephora. Bonus: it's on their "Clean at Sephora" List! The treatment is designed to smooth fine lines, renew skin and even help with that pesky adult acne! Formulated with 4.5% retinol, makes this a heavy hitter. However, its' time released to keep from irritating the skin.

What an opportunity to try this $105 treatment with me for FREE?  I have an extra that I'm giving away on Instagram! Stop by HERE for more details!
Favorite Kid Moments:
From the youngster:
I recently did a first of what I hope to be many, "3 Ways to Wear Post" and while my youngest and I were hanging out this weekend, he decided he wanted to join the fun. So here's Caden's "3 Ways to Wear" a Chewbacca hoodie and black jeans.
From the teen: 
My older boys were down with the flu this week, which is no laughing matter. However, when I get texts like this one I can't help but chuckle a little...apparently I wasn't moving fast enough for him! 
Favorite Package Delivery:
My Causebox Arrived! I now have six boxes of these quarterly curated collection of products from brands that give back.  Since the winter box was delayed, I forgot what was packaged up for us. This just made the unboxing all the more fun. So far the throw, the barrettes and the coffee mugs are my favorites.  More to come on this treat soon. ;) 

Favorite iPhone App: MarcoPolo
Have you tried this app yet? Think text, only far more personal. You can send and receive video messages from fellow app users and view them at your convenience. I love being able to keep up with friends and family that live further away. In fact, I was sent a sweet MP from friends back in Georgia. Since they are working on the same Bible study as me, they shared a brief video message of them gathering together. It brought tears to my eyes and made me feel so loved.

Alright my friends, how are you saying goodbye to January? I hope you get a few moments to reflect before moving onto February!


Linking up with Momfessionals for Friday Favorites!



  1. MP is the best app, isn't it? Love it! Can't wait to see what came in your Causebox - looks like a good one. That Caden is just too cute and dare I say you have a budding fashion model on your hands!

  2. You re so smart to get others you love in on the MP app. It only all my blog friend I MP with. Others think I’m nuts when I try to explain it. Woohoo Causebox unboxing! Yay. Caden...your model!! So cute. Ugh, your poor boys, I wish I was with mine to bring em water. They’ve been so sick too. Hope you can get some rest this weekend mama!! Love you.

  3. Caden is so cute with his 3 ways to wear post! I get the same types of texts when my daughter is home and not feeling well! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  4. I hope the flu has left your house for good! How darling is your son on styling his hoodie!? Gosh, may need to hop on that giveaway--at my age--ya know?

  5. Sounds like MP is a really good app. I'd love to check that out. Thanks dear!

    Jessica |

  6. I need that app.

  7. I'm obsessed with hummus recently. You got so cute coffee mugs.


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