
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Perfect Spring & Summer Plaid

A unexpected package arrived on my doorstep this past weekend. Though I was aware of the potential collaboration, I was surprised to receive the box of stylish goodies before May. Thank you Caite & Kyla for making this momma's day! I giggled as I pulled out each quality piece. And you know what else makes me smile? They are now offering my readers a discount code! This is new so I hope you'll have the opportunity to take advantage of 20% off with CODE: GRANOLANGRACE . 

Also, in life lately we celebrated the twin's 11th birthday. They are still childlike and sweet. Caden wants a hamster and now Evan does too. That's NOT fabulous to me, but I appreciate the fact that they won't be childlike much longer. Now to find a pet store that is currently selling hamsters. 

As for the teens, they have to catch up on their assignments because it took us longer to get into a groove. My blog posts are down to one post a week. With 5 of us sharing a laptop, I don't sit down in front of the lap top until I'm too tired to write. So thank you for sticking with me! 

In current events, I continue to watch interviews, press conferences and read articles from doctors around the country (some in other countries). I had to back off from the political side of things. It's too messy! Instead, with new information coming out almost daily on the virus itself, I want to lean into what I can at least minimally manage - my personal health and the health of my family. This will mean leaning into the "granola" side of things around here. More greens, cutting back on the sugar and processed foods, etc! I'll share more - just as soon as I can reclaim my computer!

Now back to today's post with the first of a few pieces by this unique adventurous clothing company. I'm featuring three looks with subtle changes just for kicks. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Meet Enjoiya and Meet Luxurious Comfort

 Hello my dears. How are you holding up this week?  We had some gloomy days here in Florida but today brought sunshine and calming breezes.  I love these type of days and I fully embrace them while walking our dog, Dolly. After a cup of coffee in the quiet of the morning I grab her harness and she rushes towards the door in expectation. Usually still groggy, I slip on my bright orange shoes...every morning. And that's what I'm pleased to share with you today.

Oh how I've eagerly waited to feature these luxury shoes, designed in Italy and sent to me from Enjoiya. With dog walks on the rise for me, the timing couldn't be better. Happy mom, happy dog?  It only took a couple of wears to break these comfy shoes in. As for design, these shoes are a perforated leather upper with a soft, cushioned insole. Bonus: they get frequent, but distant compliments at the grocery store. Yes, I wear them there as well. :)


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Stuck On The Blues: Dressing Up & Dressing Down

 My dear Watson, it would seem this girl has an affinity for the color blue. I admit, I'm on a bit of blue color kick lately. Let's blame it on my casual bent toward blue jeans. From there it was a necklace, gifted earrings, shoes, etc and before I knew it my closet teemed with coordinating shades of blue. Admittedly, I've done this before with army greens, pink and grays.

And this blue outfit was my stay at home Easter dress. I woke up early, put together the boy's Easter treats, stuffed eggs, threw a casserole together and quietly drank my coffee while reading Psalms before anyone was awake. Even though we weren't going anywhere, I wanted to make the day feel as special as possible by dressing up, playing music etc.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Neglected Blazers, Sparkly Accessories & Empty Streets

Amazon Top // Northern Lights Bracelet // Capri Sandals C/O Jambu

Well my friends, it's hard to gear up for fashion these days! However, when fun packages come in the mail, I'm newly inspired. I shared about these Jambu sandals last week and this week they're back again for an outfit with my neglected blazer. Also making an appearance in today's post are a couple of new pieces from 24 Style jewelry. Here's to playing on deserted streets in your ready-to-get-it-done ensemble. Whatever "it" is! 


Monday, April 6, 2020

What Defines A Quality Leader?

Hello friends! I know this post is during turbulent times. I can hardly wrap my brain around school, parks and restaurant closings. There's enough conflicting information to spend the rest of my days reading and watching videos. However, as uncertain as things may be I am leaning into the ONE who is 100% certain ALL the time. And today's post is a peek into my heart. No, I'm not talking about the pandemic. Rather I'm shedding light on where I came from and why I'm passionate about quality leadership, women supporting women and so forth. We need strong leaders right now, right?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Jambu Capri - No One Will Know They're Comfort Shoes

Buffalo Denim Jacket (Costco)//Lucky Brand Dress (Different Color) // Jambu Capri Shoes C/O Jambu // JORD Wallet Clutch C/O Jord// In The Navy Necklace

Hello my friends and Happy April Fool's Day! No fooling around in this post, but almost always some goofing off on Instagram stories! Anyway, today I'm featuring a stylish pair of shoes, by Jambu that no one will know are actually comfort shoes. They are on my "make me smile list" and I'd say it's a good time for such a list, right?  Now before I begin, allow me to share a few thoughts...

Never before has our country, or even the world, experienced what we are experiencing now. Disasters, wars, etc. But a world wide virus spread? There's nothing to compare it to. We are in the unknown, but we are not ALONE. God loves us and has not forsaken us, whether it feels that way or not. I can share that because I've repeatedly experienced HIS faithfulness throughout my years.

He's always there but I'm ever in awe over the creative ways He shows Up. And He will show up now in more ways than we can imagine. I feel it already in the show of community support. We are loving on each other virtually, doctors, nurses and staff are working tirelessly and so much more! I hope this post also finds you feeling loved and makes YOU smile.

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