
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

When Wedges and Lug Boots Come Together

Today I'm bringing you the comfort, style, and adventure of the Divina shoe by Enjoiya Shoes. These Divina boots bring you the elevated style of a wedge heel with the comfort of a lug style. And before we go further can we take a moment and enjoy the clever brand name of "Enjoiya"? 

The Enjoiya working group features three shoe brands: Secret Celebrity, Soft Comfort, and their latest addition Enjoiya. In fact, I recently read an interview with the company founder, Frank Cammarata because I enjoy behind the scenes stories. It's interesting to hear how the company survived this past year considering how fashion footwear is nonessential. The Enjoiya Group was able to keep their entire team together, shifting their design focus to address remote workers, homeschoolers, and smaller gatherings. 

I also read an article on one of the designers, Vanessa Boilero, which I really loved. Her story could be written into a Hallmark movie screenplay featuring a character that works her way up from customer service to designer. So while I sport these adorable booties, I will think of Vanessa and tip my hat to her. Keep up the good work Vanessa on all those fabulous shoes!


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Embroidery Meets Snakeskin Featuring Caite & Kyla

Corded Jacket c/o XCVI / / Leggings - c/o Caite // Loft Blouse / / Dallas Boots / /  DSW Tote

Welcome to another fashion adventure and the Style Six Link up! I say adventure because today's post features my first attempts at styling a pair of snakeskin print leggings! That should be easy, but with the additional embroidery detail, I wondered if I could do them justice.  As it turns out, that these leggings are beautiful dressed up or down, with whites, beiges, tans, black and I'm sure much more! 

As for the origin of these leggings, if you follow me on Instagram stories then you may know that I visited Caite & Kyla's showroom and warehouse. In truth, I invited myself and they graciously accepted me. It was wonderful to meet the faces behind this innovative, bohemian-inspired, and adventurous clothing label. And while I was there, I noticed these leggings and asked if I could try them on. Of course, you know how that went! Wink. ;) 


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

XCVI Mini-Capsule And The New Try at Home Feature

I'm back with my second 5x5 mini-fall capsule, featuring XCVI Clothing! However, that's not all. They recently rolled out a shopping feature that you're going to love! Have you been on the fence about trying their fabulous flare pants or leggings? The thought of comfort mixed with style calls you, but the indecision and uncertainty hold you back? Well, what if I told you that they now have a Try At Home option?   

You can order up to 8 pieces, keep them for seven days, send back what you don't love, and only pay for what you kept! As much as I've tried from their online boutique, there are still a few pieces I'm looking forward to testing out. 


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Thankful Tees & Fall Boots

graphic tee
Thankful Graphic Tee c/o One Stop Style / / Jacket - c/o XCVI / / Cord Leggings - c/o XCVI

Thankful! As I type this there's a lot of uncertainties out there. Some countries, if they haven't already, are going back on lockdown. Our country, well, suffice it to say it's been an emotional year and we're not finished yet. If I'm honest with myself, I was holding out for relief after elections from the increasing division in society, but if those get drawn out? Only God knows at this point! So it is up to me to continue to rest in His might and capability. Trust, and being thankful for all that I have, which is more than I deserve, is a way to help me with this! 

How long is your thankful list? If I start one today and keep adding until the end of the month how long will it be? This is an exercise I look forward to. Want to join me, if you aren't already in a November gratitude challenge? I know that one thing that will be on my list is this community and space. Thank you for your support and encouragement! The blog has always been an adventure in meeting new people, developing relationships with new brands, and so much more!

In fact, today I'm sharing pieces from a few brands I love with discount codes for you! I'll compile the links and codes at the end of this post to keep it simple! 
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