
Friday, December 20, 2019

Friday Favorites: The Christmas Edition

Like a gust of whirling wind, time is swiftly whipping through my fingers. We've had parties, shows, events, shopping, cleaning and family blessedly filling the Christmas of 2019 season.  However in the midst of it all, I attempt to savor the moments, while reflecting on why we celebrate at all. In addition, I recognize how difficult this season is for those grieving loved ones, etc. And last few words before moving on, I have a senior in high school. For some reason, this reality is, well, more real.

That my friends could fill a few blog posts, so I'll spare you the emotional mutterings at this time and instead share glimpses of the last couple of weeks starting with WIW! :)

Traditional Christmas Shopping With My Favorite Shopping Buddy - My MIL! We are both wearing the Softspun Hooded Cardigan from GAP. We went home with those. Only we switched colors!
Christmas Dinner 
I shared this picture on my Outfits of Christmas Past roundup this week ask well! The tunic top was sent to me for review - just in time for an evening out with this guy...
Buffalo Plaid
My MIL and I shopped around St. Armands circle and then took a walk on the beach. The weather was picture perfect. I'm still smiling from memories of that day...
She loved it out there...I do too.
Dinner Cruise at Marina Jack -
The church staff Christmas party was on board the Marina Jack 11. The food was delicious and the company was sweet. And no, I didn't take any food pics, but I wanted to share our "mad for plaid", as observed by the Queen in Between.
What I'm Reading
Our bookclub chose Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul David Trip. It's been just what I need this year! Rich in profound truth, yet simple and straight to the heart!
Products I'm Reviewing
Stryke Club 
This skincare line, specifically formulated for preteen/teen boys was not on my radar. The boys certainly have the typical teen breakouts, especially on the back so I agreed to give this a shot. They started last week and one of my boys said he's starting to see a difference!

These Lake Champlain chocolates from Vermont are delicious. I wanted to disperse them for gifts but I'm struggling!

Quick Event Round Up
The twins take part in the children's musical at our church...

 We see our first Christmas Boat Parade

 Christmas Breakfast at First Watch with the Ministry Wives from our church. I tried my first "Morning Meditation" juice.

 Morning Meditation Juice - Beet, Tumeric, ETC! So good!!
One of my boys is working as a Chic-fil-A cow this year. I cannot begin to express how much enjoyment/amusement this gives me!!!
Trim the Tree: Our boys are bigger than our tree...there's was hardly a tree left at Home Depot that night, but they didn't care. And I guess I didn't care...

My favorite house on our traditional Christmas lights tour...
Alright my dears, did you catch the Outfits of Christmas Past post? Also, if there's yet time here more gift giving ideas here, here and here. I hope you are feeling loved today!



  1. Your boys are so sweet! I love all of your holiday outfits! You and your husband look so cute in your plaids! That morning meditation juice sounds like something I need to try! Have a Merry Christmas!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  2. I love this post sweet friend, I love seeing all your festiveness,, all your cute plaid and all the smiles! Your boys are just the best! And so are you my precious friend! Have A most festive and joyous weekend my love!

  3. So much festive fun! I love that you and your mother-in-law are shopping buddies :-). That juice looks so interesting

  4. It looks like you've been having so much fun and doing so much! Those hoodies are so cute on you and your MIL (I see you wearing it for your women's brunch.). I would get a chuckle from seeing my son dressed as a cow--haha! Seeing your boys makes me have fond memories of our crew. I love that your stockings are on a ladder, so clever! Lastly, I wanted to make it out to St. Armands one more time before I left the state, but that didn't happen--lucky you! Hugs, have a happy and blessed Christmas!

  5. Your MIL is the cutest and I can see how much y'all enjoy one another - that is so special. So much Christmas goodness Chrissy and I love that picture of your 4 handsome boys in front of the tree!

  6. Love that tunic top! So sweet that you and your MIL enjoy shopping together. I can't say I shop with my MIL but we do get together once a week (with my boys) for coffee/donuts.

  7. Love all of these pictures: great time to be had by all!
    Glad for the school break, hoping to catch up with several friends!

  8. I think it's so grand that you have such a great relationship with you MIL. That's what I want with my DIL. I never had all, and I think it would be so nice. Happy New Year!!! XOXO

  9. Chrissy, you have me all smiles as usual reading this post! I love that your son is in the cow costume. How could that not make you so happy?! And this just cracked me up...”These Lake Champlain chocolates from Vermont are delicious. I wanted to disperse them for gifts but I’m struggling!” I can totally relate to a struggle of that sort. Thanks so much for letting see inside your life. What a beautiful life it in so much love! Wishing you all the best in 2020!


  10. Looks like you had so much fun in the lead up to Christmas! :) I can never resist chocolate either - I like giving it as a gift but I have to wrap it up or I'll eat it, haha! :)

    Happy new year, hope you had a wonderful Christmas! We are safe from the bushfires so have a lot to be thankful for!

    Away From Blue


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